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Category: | Ultralight Aircraft |
Make: | ICP |
Model: | SAVANNAH VG |
State: | USED |
Year: | 2007 |
Engine: | Rotax 912 uls |
Engine Hours: | 1844 |
Cell Hours: | 1524 |
Landing Gear: | Tricycle |
Seats: | 2 |
Advanced Aircraft: | NO |
Where the aircraft is located: | ITALIA - LAZIO (ROMA) |
SAVANNAH VG anno 2007
Ore Cellula 1524
Doppio comando
elica DUC tripala passo variabile a terra
Ruote Tundra
Radio ICOM IC-A210E
Transponder Bendix KT76A
Motore Rotax 912 ULS anno 2019 ore 1844.
N° telefono 335386931
Richiesti 25500 EURO