No, you do not need to be to consult the offers.
The offers are organized by categories, so to view them you must first identify and select the category / type of aircraft of your interest.
All the offers of the aircraft referring to it will be displayed within the category.
To get a more targeted search result, the offers can be filtered by brand, price and year.
Yes, to post an offer you need to register on the site by entering your data, accepting the terms and conditions and confirming your e-mail address. Registration and publication of the offers are completely free.
After confirming their registration, the user can access to their private area by entering their credentials (e-mail and password) on the login page.
Once logged in, the user can insert his offers by clicking on the menu item "Manage Your Offers", using the "Insert Offer" button.
Before placing an offer, it is advisable to view the instructions by clicking the button "Before posting an offer".
After inserting the offer, it is advisable to view the instructions on managing the offer by clicking the button "Instructions and Legend Status Offers", where all the information on the various "statuses" of publication of the offer will be displayed.
To register, enter your details by filling out the form on the registration page.
It is recommended that you enter a valid e-mail address. An email will be sent to your e-mail address, asking you to confirm your registration on the site.
Once your account is activated, you can take advantage of all the benefits of being registered. site you will have the opportunity to:
If you want to sell a plane, by logging into your account / reserved area, you can enter and manage your offers.
Registered users will have the possibility to save offers to their favorites.
Registered users will have the possibility to save the makes to their favorites.
Only registered users can see the contact details of the airfields, have access to links for meteorological information and have the possibility to save the airfields to their favorites.
More features will be added over time, so don't wait, sign up and join the QNHFLY community, membership is completely free.
To request commercial information and advertising on the site, write to: